AFFIDAVIT FOR LOST, STOLEN, DESTROYED STOCK CERTIFICATE - Acharya Center - Education Tools For Teachers And Students
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AFFIDAVIT FOR LOST, STOLEN, DESTROYED STOCK CERTIFICATE State of ______________________ County of _____________________ I, [name] , being duly sworn, state: That I reside at [address] , [city] , [state] That I am the legal and beneficial owner of [number] shares of the [specify class] stock of [corporation] represented by certificates described as follows: Number Date Registered Name That said certificates [were or were not] endorsed. That I have not assigned, hypothecated, pledged, or in any other way disposed of either the stock certificates or my rights as a stockholder, in whole or in part. That I am entitled to full and exclusive possession of said certificates. That the circumstances surrounding the [loss, or theft, or destruction, or disappearance] of said certificates and my attempt to locate them are as follows: That the purpose of preparing this affidavit is to induce [corporation] to issue new certificates to replace those that have been [lost, stolen, destroyed]. I hereby agree to surrender to [corporation] the original certificates issued to me should they hereafter come into my possession or control. Dated:_____________________ ____________________ [Signature] [Jurat]

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