Acknowledgment of Unsolicited Idea - Acharya Center - Education Tools For Teachers And Students
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UNSOLICITED IDEAS Dear _: We appreciate your interest in submitting to us an idea or proposal relative to: _ Our firm receives many ideas, suggestions and proposals, and has many of its own projects under development. Therefore, it is possible the idea or prooposal you plan to submit to us has been considered and/or may already be in the planning stages. Nevertheless, we would be pleased to accept your idea or proposal for review, provided it is accompanied by this acknowledgement letter signed by you. It is understood that: 1. Samples or other submissions will be returned to the submittor only if return postage or freight is prepaid. 2. The company accepts no resonsibility for casualty or loss to samples in our possession. 3. The company can accept no responsibility for holding any information in confidence. 4. The company shall pay compensation only in the event it, a) accepts the idea, b) has received the idea only from the submittor, and c) reaches agreement with the submittor as to terms and conditions. If these terms are acceptable to you, please sign where indicated below and return together with your idea or proposal. Very truly, The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged. _______________________________ Submittor

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