Christmas Letter, Legend of Saint Nicholas - Acharya Center - Education Tools For Teachers And Students
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We were searching for some special way to express our good
wishes to you for Christmas and the coming year, but we
discovered that there are some things in life that cannot
be improved upon.  So, please accept our very best wishes
to you, your family, and your employees for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us here at
Information Retrieval Service.

From our search, we did learn some facts that we hadn't
known before, and hope you find them interesting.  Saint
Nicholas was a bishop of the Christian church of Myra,
in Lycia, Anatolia.  He enjoyed a reputation for great
generosity and compassion.  Legend has it that he saved
the three daughters of a poor nobleman from a life of
prostitution, by tossing a bag of gold through an open
window of their home on three, separate occasions.
This provided the young women with a dowry with which to
procure an honorable marriage. The custom of giving gifts
at Christmas is attributed to this legend.

In keeping with this legend, we hope that Santa brings you
and yours all that you want for Christmas.

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