BILL OF SALE (WITH WARRANTY OF TITLE) - Acharya Center - Education Tools For Teachers And Students
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in Documents by

          I,__________________, of ________________________
____________, County of_______________, State of _________,
in consideration of $_________________, to me paid by______
_________________, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, transfer and deliver
unto ______________the following goods and chattels, namely,


          To have and to hold the same to _________________
and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns, to their use forever.

          And I hereby convenant with the grantee that I
am the lawful owner of said goods; that they are free from
all encumbrances; that I have good right to sell the same
as aforesaid; and that I will warrant and defend the same
against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ________________________ ,
hereunto set my hand, this _____ day of ___________, 19__.


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