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Each and every year, many of us go on vacations.  Vacations are a great way to relax, and get away from the everyday pressure of life.  Over half of all American families take their vacation between April and September, meaning that they spend a lot of money on travel.  Whether it’s international or domestic travel, you can spend a fortune before you actually realize it.

As we all know, traveling with cash or checks isn’t always a wise decision.  Renting cars, flying in airplanes, or checking into hotels is a much easier task if you have a credit card.  Even though you may decide to use your credit cards for big purchases only, you’ll find that the traveling experience will be a much smoother process.  

Unlike cash or checks, credit cards make handling your documents and receipts much easier.  If you purchase something, records from that purchase will be made with your credit card manufacturer, which you can always fall back on if something happens.  Things can go wrong without notice, so you’ll always want a backup plan or something to have as proof in the event of a disaster.  With a credit card, all you need to do is look back at your statement and you’ll find everything that you purchased in one easy to find location.

Credit cards are also much easier to handle and keep track of than cash.  If you decide to go to a theme park or a resort, you’ll find that cash can be a bit bulky to handle.  Carrying a large amount of cash can be hard to keep track of, even though it isn’t recommended.  Credit cards use up less space, and you can keep them in your pocket.  When you need to pay for something, you don’t need to count through your cash, simply hand over your credit card and sign your receipt.

If you don’t have any credit cards, you can always get them for vacation purposes only.  There are many benefits to having credit cards, besides the fact of them being easier to keep track of.  There are many different credit cards out there to choose from, including those that will give you cash back or rewards when you make a purchase.  Cash back is normally a small percentage of what you spend, and is given to you at the end of the month.

Some credit cards will give you reward points for every dollar you spend, which can be redeemed with several merchants offering a variety of products.  Although cash back is always a great thing, many people find reward cards to be just as good.  You can enjoy your vacation, buy just about anything you want, and know that the money you spend will help you to buy other things that you may need when your vacation is over.  Actually, can you think of this as having your cake and eating it to.

All in all, credit cards can make your vacation easier than ever before.  You can earn rewards and cash back with purchases you make using your card.  Although you may think cash is the preferred way to go, there are several merchants who actually prefer credit cards.  They are more professional, and easier for you to handle than cash or checks.  They are easy to obtain as well, providing you have good credit.  If you don’t have a credit card, you should look into getting one before you take your next vacation.  All you need to do is look for your favorite company online and apply through their website - you’ll normally receive a response in a matter of minutes.

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