NOTICE OF CLAIM OF DEFECTIVE GOODS Date: _ To: _ We have purchased a product sold or manufactured by you ... earliest possible notice of a potential claim. Very truly, ______________________________
Dear As of Monday, July 1, 2018, Kabuki Sales Corporation of America's Eastern Regional Office will be located in our new ... robotic equipment for your review. I hope you find it interesting.
TO:________________________________ ___________[address]____________ Notice is hereby given that we cancel our contract dated for the ... of $ ] Dated:_____________ __________________ [Signature]
NOTICE OF C.O.D. TERMS Date: _ To: _ [Customer] We are in receipt of your purchase order as attached. ... of this notice. We appreciate your patronage. Very truly, _______________________________
NOTICE OF BULK TRANSFER To Creditors of , Transferor: You are hereby notified that the Transferor, [name of ... the office of [identify]. Dated:_____________________ ______________________ Transferee
Dear We received your order for [item and number] and wish to thank you. This item is presently back-ordered and we are ... delivery in approximately [time]. Please accept our apology for this delay.
Dear Your account with [name of firm] has been approved for credit. We would like to inform you that your account number is ... looking forward to your orders and to the opportunity of serving you.
To: You are hereby notified that an application has been made by [name of applicant] , in compliance with the Zoning ... be affected by the determination made at the herein mentioned hearing.
NOTICE OF APPLICATION AS SOLE TRADER TO:______________________________ ________[address]_____________ Pursuant to [state ... [date]. Dated: __________________ _________________________ [Signature]
NOTICE OF APPEAL In the matter of [name of appellant] [address] APPEAL FROM REFEREE'S DECISION [number] [ ... : [grounds for appeal] Date: ____________________ ___________________________ [Signature]
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of [name of corporation] Dear Shareholder: Notice is hereby given that the annual ... may be regularly voted at the meeting. ______________________ [Signature]
Dear This letter will confirm [individual's] telephone conversation with you today concerning an increase in our billing rate to [amount] ... return it to us indicating your approval of this new rate.
NOTICE AND TENDER BY DEBTOR TO:_____________________________ _________[address]___________ You are hereby notified that ... by the undersigned. Dated:__________________ /S/___________________________
NOTE SECURED BY DEED OF TRUST (STRAIGHT NOTE) $_____________ ________[ ... ______________________. _____________________ __________________________ _____________________ __________________________
Dear Thank you for affording me the opportunity to meet with you and members of your staff. I know that [ex-salesman] ... explains why [ex-salesman] held your organization is such high regard.
Dear Thank you for opening an account with our company. As one of the leaders in this industry, we can assure you that our ... be reached at the above number. Welcome to our family of customers.
New Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name [Due to Change] Certificate KNOW ALL ... Dated: _______________ /S/________________________ ________________________ [Acknowledgment]
Dear It is with great pleasure that I welcome you as a new employee to [name of firm] I am very pleased that you have chosen ... make the necessary arrangements. Once again, welcome to [name of firm]
Dear The [name of firm] would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that you will be extremely satisfied ... you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near future.
Gentlemen: It is our pleasure to inform you that the [name of new business] is now open for business. Our firm is located at ... you would like to have one of our representatives come to your office.
Dear It was a pleasure meeting with you yesterday and having the opportunity to discuss your education and your career goals. I ... deal to contribute. Please accept my best wishes for your future.
Dear Thank you for your recent application to join our company as a [position requested] While we do not have an opening in your ... , we shall inform you and arrange a convenient time for testing.
Dear Thank you for your recent application for employment with [name of company] We regret to inform you that there are no ... openings. Thank you for your interest in working for our company.
MUTUAL RELEASE This mutual release, executed on [date], between [name of first party] of [address] , City ... on the day and year stated above. /S/_________________________ _________________________
MUTUAL CANCELLATION OF LEASE FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ [Lessee], and _ [Lessor], under a certain lease agreement between the parties ... representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_.
Monthly Partial Payment to Creditor Dear In accordance with our agreement, I am enclosing our check in the amount of $28.46, ... the entire amount due. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.
Memorandum on Sales Seminar TO: Bill Meredith FROM: Mr. Chambers SUBJECT: Seminar Dear Bill: A seminar is being held at the Bolten ... names of those who will be attending no later than June 1st.
MEDIA SURVEY How did you learn of our product? A. Television Commercial? Yes_______ No________ ... "Yes", which store?__________________________ E. Other____________________________________________
Long Reply to Inquiry About Discontinued Model Dear Having received your letter regarding your Chambers Mixmaster, I would like to thank you ... you again for the lovely letter you have written to us.
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