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Among bunk beds, the most common are bunk beds for kids. Bunk beds made for adults differ with children bed bunks, since the former serves a more functional purpose, similar to military bunk beds. On the other hand, childrens' bunk beds are built for another purpose - an entertaining one - and that is, for kids to be excited in going to sleep. Childrens' bunk beds are undoubtedly exciting. For many children, especially those who just grew up from sleeping in cribs, they want a bed for bigger kids. Plus, bunk beds are not difficult to play in and allow another sibling to sleep with another. 

I. Special Precautions For Children

Bunk beds are fun, but bunk beds for children have safety risks. Children might fall from their beds. That is why it is important to put up the side guardrails on the upper bunk's two sides. These must be secured firmly whenever the child is sleeping. Another rule that you should follow is not to permit kids below six years of age to sleep or stay in the bunk's upper part. It is also important to have a safety ladder. You could teach your kids on safely using the ladder. Discourage playing on the ladder to avoid accidents. Lastly, if your kid sleeps in a bunk bed, it is advisable to have a nearby light on, just in case the kid wakes up at night and has to get out of the bed. If think your baby is too old enough for a crib, consider first the following before you buy a bunk bed. 

II. Is Your Child Old Enough For A Bunk Bed?

1. Assess if your kid is really ready to have a bed. Transferring to the bed from the crib may be difficult for some kids, especially preschoolers or toddlers. Make it slow and assess if the kid is having apprehensions moving. 

2. When you shop, you could ask the store staff if the bed has met the standards required by the American Society of Testing Materials. If it does, then you could buy it. 

3. Plan ahead. Your kid will most likely sleep in the bed you will buy for many years to come. Consider the size of the bunk bed, since your kid might grow faster than you expected. 

4. Shop around for choices. There are bunk beds ranging from toddler sizes to full-size ones. There are also beds shaped like castles or cars. Some even have the contemporary or antique look. 

5. Do not be surprised if you are paying more than $100. The more fancy or elaborate models have prices ranging from $300 to as high as $1,500, and that is for the frame alone. Some beds do include a mattress, but you have to shell out more for it and box spring. 

6. Purchase a top quality mattress. Measure it. The mattress should fit perfectly in the bunk. The measurement should be at most one inch of space from the mattress to the bunk bed's frame. Check out the slats on the lower bunk which holds the mattress to ensure that they give strong support and are properly and securely screwed into the bed frame side. 

7. Consider buying guard rails. The kid who slept in a crib may feel assured of the crib's security. It may take some time for the kid to get used to the bunk bed. There are guard rails that are attachable to the bunk bed using screw or can be slid under the bed's mattress. Check the sturdiness of these guard rails before you allow your kid to sleep in the bed.

8. Check the spaces between the bed frame and guard rails, as well as in the footboard and headboard on the upper bunk. The space should be at most 3.5 inches of space in all these areas. This is to avoid smaller kids from becoming trapped or slipping through.

9. Inspect all the bed's edges and corners. Make sure that the corners and edges are smooth.
10. Check the bed's stability by shaking it vigorously.
11. See if one can climb the ladder easily. The ladder should be also wide enough and not narrow for your kid. 

12. At the bottom bunk, sit. Your head must not hit or reach the top.
13. If possible, make the store install the bed for you.

14. From time to time, inspect the screws and bolts to ensure that they are still firmly in place.

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