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Do you suffer from allergies?  If you do, you may have been prescribed prescription medication by your doctor.  If not, you may have still tired a number of over-the-counter allergy relief medications and products.  Unfortunately, medicine does not always work for all allergy sufferers.  That leaves many individuals wondering if there is a way that they can seek more natural relief, without the use of medicine.

As for whether or not you can seek allergy relief without the use of prescription medication or over-the-counter products, you will find that you can.  In fact, you will find that you have a number of different options.  Some of these options are not only safer than using medicine, but they are also much cheaper.

If you do not suffer from food allergies, you can use food as way to seek relief.  As for why you should avoid this approach if you suffer from a food allergy, it is because you may have another allergic reaction, which you are trying to prevent.  With that said, if you are suffering from seasonal allergies, pet allergies, mold and mildew allergies, certain foods may be able to provide you with relief.  These foods include the juice from a lime, namely when mixed with lukewarm water, eating one or two bananas a day, as well as drinking vegetable juices.

Another more natural way to relive some of the symptoms that are associated with allergies is with vitamin B5.  Although many sometimes consider vitamin supplements to be medicine, they aren’t really.  Even though you will be taking a supplement, it is still much more natural than many allergy relief medications.  For how much vitamin B5 should be taken, most recommend one supplement a day for around two or three months.

Despite the fact that natural ways to seek relief from allergies are most commonly associated with natural remedies that involve certain foods, vitamins, and herbs, there are other steps that you can take.  For example, you can remove yourself from your trigger factors.  For example, if you have allergies that are due to mold and mildew, avoid areas in your home where mold or mildew is present, like your basement.  If you suffer from allergies due to dust, consider hiring a professional cleaning service or you can clean more often, which should reduce the amount of dust that accumulates overtime.

As it was previously stated, it is advised that you display caution if you suffer from a food allergy.  This is because many food allergies are more severe than other allergies, such as pet allergies.  Those who are allergic to peanuts can actually go into shock and die within a matter of minutes.  For that reason, if you suffer from food allergies, you will not want to just limit your consumption of foods, but you will want to completely eliminate the food or foods that you are allergic to from your diet.  This is important to know as some sufferers do get other allergies confused.  For example, those who suffer from pet allergies don’t always need to find a new home for their pets, but they should limit their contact.  However, it is important to remember that food allergies and pet allergies are not the same.

As previously stated, there are a number of different ways that you can natural seek allergy relief.  If you are looking for more steps that you can take, perform a standard internet search online.  Also, consider investing in natural remedy books or guides that are designed to help those living with allergies.

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